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Mother and Daughter Love

family first!

enriching the lives of employees and their families with corporate wellness training

 Led by pediatric yoga therapist and author, Lisa Roberts, Family First! seminars are offered in person and virtually to employee groups. All virtual presentations, webinars and/or online meetings are live and interactive, allowing your employees to ask questions and work directly with Lisa Roberts as they gain valuable skills to make family wellness a priority.

employees will learn...

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  • Age-appropriate tools to regulate your child’s energy levels

  • Teaching children to shift responses from reactive to reflective

  • Techniques to engage the whole family in mindful movement and mindful breathing

  • Effective strategies to stock your child’s toolbox with Movement, Mindfulness and Meditation skills

  • How to help children unplug from technology

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Just Breathe:

Teaching kids how to access this vital tool when they need it the most.

Learning how to breathe can sound redundant and boring, especially for kids. If you are reading this, there’s a pretty good chance you are breathing, but are you breathing well? This seminar explores how to recognize stress breathing and fight-or-flight responses in the body and provides tools to self-regulate responses by accessing the breath. The importance of utilizing breathing skills to support emotional well-being and mental health in children and adults will be discussed. Includes demonstrations of engaging activities developed to teach kids how to recognize stress breathing patterns, and learn how to self-regulate responses by shifting to mindful breathing. Using the breath as a tool to regulate energy and arousal levels in children will also be demonstrated.


Employees will learn: 

  • Age-appropriate tools to regulate your child’s energy and arousal levels

  • Tools to teach kids mindfulness and self-regulation life-skills

  • Playful and developmentally appropriate techniques to engage the whole family in mindful breathing

seminar options

Scroll through our program options on the right to find the perfect wellness program for your employees.

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All corporate wellness trainings are led by our founder, Lisa Roberts.

Lisa is an E-RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher) and RCYT (Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher). Entering the pediatric wellness field in 2006, she founded YoYo Yoga LLC in 2011, and developed specialized training tracks for pediatric professionals and parents that embrace accessibility.


In 2011, she founded and continues to lead a successful inpatient therapeutic yoga program at a major children’s hospital in St. Louis, MO.  Her professional development and consulting services support professionals in clinical and non-clinical environments to develop skills that can be implemented immediately in their work with children. 

Family First Seminar Options
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Half, full, and multi-day trainings are offered in person at your organization or online. Choose from our professional development course options, or let us create a custom training to meet the continuing education needs of your staff and the populations you serve.

looking to earn professional development credit?

Corporate Wellness

Family First! Program

Employee Wellness Program

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Watch our FREE online webinar on Movement, Meditation, + Mindfulness

in the clinical setting!

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