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  • Lisa Roberts

Free Webinar! Teaching Yoga to 5-8 Year olds

My 30-minute webinar exploring the fundamentals of designing developmentally appropriate Movement, Meditation and Mindfulness sessions for 5-8yr-olds will be released on YouTube on June 3rd.

This one includes valuable tips for working with this population as well as a step-by-step walk-through of a full lesson plan. Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Identify typical developmental milestones that apply to yoga-based movement, meditation and mindfulness sessions for 5-8yr-olds

  • Identify contraindications and how to safely adapt sessions for this population

  • Plan sessions that are developmentally appropriate, supportive and engaging

Happy learning!

With love,

Lisa Roberts xoxo

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Watch our FREE online webinar on Movement, Meditation, + Mindfulness

in the clinical setting!

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